We’re your favourite drinks magazine and podcast, all about beer, cider, wine, pubs and more. Reader supported, proudly free to read.
Every week (and sometimes twice a week) we publish a newsletter written by our deputy editor Katie Mather. Sign up below to get our latest news and features, straight into your inbox.
But if it’s a pitch then please make sure you please read our pitching guide before getting in touch.
At Pellicle we are committed to keeping your information safe and ensure that it is handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 2018. To ensure you know exactly how we look after your data we’ve created this Privacy Policy to let you know in clear and simple terms when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to other parties and how we keep it secure.
We use a service provided by our website host, Squarespace, to deliver our newsletter. If you receive this mailout, it’s because you've either opted in to receive it by subscribing using an email subscription form or ticked the “yes I want to receive marketing” box when making a purchase on our online shop. You may have also signed up to our previous mailing list provider, Mailchimp, and your data was merged when we began using the Squarespace service in 2023. We don't do any data harvesting via any other method, and we never have. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list or update your information at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any of our mailouts, or by emailing the address below.
The hosts and providers of this website, Squarespace, use cookies to provide us with analytics of our site traffic. By using our site you consent to the use these cookies (small packets of information sent to your computer via the site provider) and the information they provide us with.
You are entitled to view, amend or delete entirely the personal information that we hold . Please email your request to matthew@pelliclemag.com, and we will action ASAP.
Pellicle Magazine Ltd. does not give permission for any of the content listed on www.pelliclemag.com, or any extensions of the URL thereof, for the use of training AI.
This privacy notice was last updated January 2025.