
Hello, we’re Pellicle

We’re your favourite drinks magazine and podcast, all about beer, cider, wine, pubs and more. Reader supported, proudly free to read.

The Pellicle Podcast Ep18 — Is the UK Beer Duty Debate a False Flag?

The Pellicle Podcast Ep18 — Is the UK Beer Duty Debate a False Flag?

Welcome you what you could consider the beginning of The Pellicle Podcast 2.0. After much deliberation we've made the decision to switch from a series-based format to an episodic one. We just didn't have the time or the resources available in our current schedule to produce the documentary-style episodes we had in mind when originally launching this podcast. This change will allow us to produce episodes in a more timely fashion, thus keeping the show's momentum going.

We've also made a few editorial changes—for example we'll be introducing more long-form interviews. We know a lot of beer podcasts already do these very well, but you know the feeling where you're listening to a conversation and wish they'd ask the question that's burning away at the back of your mind? Well, we're in an advantageous situation where we can do exactly that, and who are we to deny you folks? In addition, our host—Pellicle co-founder Matthew Curtis—will be using the podcast as his personal scratchpad to explore his feelings on some of the bigger (and smaller) topics in beer, wine and cider.

Which brings us to our latest episode. Over the past few years the UK's beer industry has been embroiled in debate over whether or not some of its smallest brewers are paying enough tax, and if some of its larger brewers are paying too much. In this episode our host explores his personal feelings on a matter he's spent much of the past three years covering, with few holds barred, and a conclusion that perhaps changes to the duty system should be the least of small brewers concerns. 

Episode 18 is available to stream via services such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify now, or you can simply listen via this page by using the player below.

If you enjoy this new format of the show—or you didn't—drop us a line and let us know.

In this episode we reference an article on Marston's by Jonny Garrett for Good Beer Huntingwhich can be read here.

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Beautiful Freaks – Breeding and Growing Wild Hops in New Mexico

The Pellicle Mixtape Volume 17 — Garrett Crowell of Yokefellow Brewery

The Pellicle Mixtape Volume 17 — Garrett Crowell of Yokefellow Brewery