
Hello, we’re Pellicle

We’re your favourite drinks magazine and podcast, all about beer, cider, wine, pubs and more. Reader supported, proudly free to read.

David Bailey's Just Beer Things #12 — The Unintelligibility of Craft Beer

David Bailey's Just Beer Things #12 — The Unintelligibility of Craft Beer


We’re able to commission David to draw a comic for us each month thanks to the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you love our unique brand of independent drinks journalism, why not join them and help Pellicle flourish!

Set the Juice, Loose — Cairn o’ Mohr Fruit Wines in Perthshire, Scotland

Set the Juice, Loose — Cairn o’ Mohr Fruit Wines in Perthshire, Scotland

The Story of Dora Kulka, and How One Woman Changed British Beer Forever

The Story of Dora Kulka, and How One Woman Changed British Beer Forever